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Articles » Injuries » Injuries of the lower limbs

Achilles Tendon Rupture

  • A complete tear of the tendon which connects the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles of the lower leg to the heal bone.

Ankle Sprain

  • A common injury in football effecting the ligaments around the ankle

Anterior Knee Pain

  • Effects the front of the knee involving the patellofemoral joint, injury can occur due to overuse or by trauma

Groin Strain

  • Effects the adductor muscles, injury can be incurred when playing fooball or by over stretching

Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome

  • Effects the iliotibial band on the outside of the knee, can be caused by poor posture and by doing too much work without warming up

Lateral Collateral Ligament Sprain of the Knee

  • Effects the ligament on the outside of the knee, common in football and rugby players if a force such as a kick is applied below the knee on the outside of the leg

Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain of the Knee

  • Effects the ligament on the inside of the knee, commonly injured when a force is applied to the outside the leg above the knee

Meniscal Tear

  • Effects the menisci / cartilage of the knee, can be injured if a twisting force is applied to the knee whilst bearing weight

Patella Tendinitis

  • Effects the patella tendon at the bottom of the knee cap, caused by repeated eccentric loading of the patella tendon or a blow to the tendon

Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)

  • Usually occurs as a result of overuse from prolonged standing or walking effecting the sole of the foot from the heel to the base of the toes

Sports Hernia

  • Effects the adductor muscles near the attachment to the pubic bone, common in football players and usually caused by twisting movements
— Phil @ 3:00 pm, July 19, 2006

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