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November 9, 2006

Fuelling Your Workouts

Filed under: News, Website Articles, Nutritional Tips — Phil @ 12:00 pm

Out of Fuel

Article about how to fuel your body to get the most out of your workouts.

“During training, the muscles are constantly producing energy and in order to get maximal function of the muscle and avoid going into a catabolic state, the correct fuelling and timing of nutrients is essential.”

Read the full article here : nutrient timing around workouts

November 8, 2006

Tip for now: Protein Shakes

Filed under: News, Nutritional Tips — Phil @ 12:00 pm

Protein Shake

When you take your protein shakes throughout the day be sure to mix them with water for most efficient absorption.

However, if you take one before bed mix with milk for slow release while you sleep.

September 18, 2006

Nutritional Tip: The 10% Factor

Filed under: Nutritional Tips — Mark @ 12:00 am

Photo of a dessertby Dr. John Berardi

If some people eat one food not on their plan, their failure to be perfect sets in motion a psychological chain of events that leads to frustration and the inability to get right back on the plan. The all-or-nothing mentality sets in and BAM, they’re back to nothing. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 100% nutritional discipline is never required for optimal progress. The difference, in results, between 90% adherence to your nutrition program and 100% adherence is negligible. So allow yourself the extra 10% wiggle room. This will allow you the freedom to eat a few extra things not on your menu without the guilt and subsequent crash.

This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Precision Nutrition, complete with 2 DVDs, 2 CDs, 5 manuals, and an entire cook book, is the last word on eating for optimal health, body comp and performance.

September 11, 2006

Nutritional Tip: Revving Up Metabolism

Filed under: Nutritional Tips — Mark @ 12:00 am

Revvingby Dr. John Berardi

I recommend more calories than most do. That’s because there’s no such thing as a stagnant metabolic set-point. Instead, metabolism chases intake. So, if you want a bigger metabolism, you need a bigger food intake. And if you’re worried about fat gain with this approach, just use outcome-based decision making and adjust energy (calorie) intake every two weeks based on your results. Not much ‘damage’ can take place in only two weeks. So if you end up boosting your metabolism, you’ll be thanking me eternally. And if it turns out you’re consuming too much, you can just adjust down.

This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Precision Nutrition, complete with 2 DVDs, 2 CDs, 5 manuals, and an entire cook book, is the last word on eating for optimal health, body comp and performance.

September 5, 2006

Nutritional Tip: Fish Oil Rules

Filed under: Nutritional Tips — Mark @ 10:01 am

Oily Fishby Dr. John Berardi

I consider fish oil to be an essential supplement for fat loss. Data from the University of Western Ontario shows that fish oil supplementation increases lean body mass (during non-dieting conditions), increases BMR (by up to 400kcal/day), decreases inflammation, and improves the ratio of fat/carb oxidized (sparing carbs, burning fat). Recommended dose: Start with 6-10g per day of total fish oil (assuming 30% EPA and DHA).

This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Precision Nutrition, complete with 2 DVDs, 2 CDs, 5 manuals, and an entire cook book, is the last word on eating for optimal health, body comp and performance.

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